Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Look Back of the Day - Global Wave of Democracy (Part 1)

This post is dedicated to the wave of democracy that spread, for good or for bad,  across the world. The Arab Spring, The Syrian Revolution, Occupy Wall Street, and all the European revolutions such as the Spanish Revolutions and Greek Revolutions. The world has truly experienced some major changes. Lets examine why and how these protests came to be and what their impact is on the post revolution world that we live in today.

As we know from history not every revolution is successful ( oh French revolution). Therefore was this revolution successful or a failure? Lets look at it from the start. Like all revolutions throughout history, it starts  with general distress among the people. As the Global Recession affected the economy and the everyday lives of people,  incomes and employment fell and general happiness levels of the population also fell. This global depression and distress with the failing economy caused many people across the world to doubt their leaders and in some cases doubt their whole government system in general. After the global recession was in full wake, and when people started to truly feel the affects of the depressed economy. They got mad. Simple answer maybe but it does encompass the feelings of most of the people in the world during this turbulent period.

As the global recession was taking place. Another factor, I would say equally influenced, the wave of democracy. The prevalence of Social Media. Social media, like Twitter and Facebook, opened the world for many dissenters that needed a extra boost or catalyst. Many protesters' inspiration and coordination came from social media. The protests at Tahir square and the many protest of occupy wall street and the various other revolutions were all coordinated on social media. This global contact and support greatly affected the beginning of the protests. It gave many dissenters an outlet to express their concerns and issues without the confinements of their respective governments. Also Social Media was the main mode of protest in many areas. People would take to the internet to express their raw and undettered emotions and views on their currrent situation.

Therefore without the Global recession to make people feel dissatisfied and without social media to give people a global outlet and coordination there would be no global revolution for democracy.