Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Power of Corporations

Okay guys I know haven't been posting for a while, but anyway its not like actually looking at this blog, its just as useless as the useless blob we call the internet. But anyway, corporations in america are now greater than regular Americans, they have more money, they have more political sway, and they have more immunity from the law. For example, the recent troubles with General Motors(GM) caused a lot of waves in America, and many wanted to see GM get punished for their willful ignorance which could have seriously injured or killed someone, however what was their consequences...........wait for it .........NOTHING. GM just had to pay a small fine for their misgivings and they were wiped clean of the blood on their hands.  Wait how can this be true, did they have a magical get out jail free card? or did they have a genie in a lamp? How can they be wiped clean of murders and serious harm to mulitiple lives? The legal system in the United States sees corporations as gods rather than just companies that can do a lot of harm if unchecked. So next time when I'm on the road, I am going to seriously injure a couple of people and kill a few, lets see what happens to me right I mean if GM can get away with it can't I? I mean corporations are people too right, they have free speech and everything. After the landmark campaign finance ruling Citizens United vs. FECA, corporations have the right to utilize their "free speech" in elections and donate often unlimited amounts of money in an non transparent kind of way ( through 501(c)(4) groups) . I mean come on   if corporations can express their "free speech", then they should get punished the same way we regular humans get punished also, GO TO JAIL. Also, the legal system in the United States needs to be fixed, corporations are not people, they should not be able to hold this much sway over our political process. There has been a lot of research done on the subject, and the conclusion is that an individual practically has no sway over politics when compared to a corporation. God DAMN IT AMERICA, I mean cmon you're supposed to be the most democratic country in the world, you're supposed to be the safest country in the world yet you have criminals walking in you're streets everyday. Oh jesus.

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