Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The News: Fact or Fiction?

Alright this one I need to tell someone about. This is probably the most influential thing that shapes how you view the world: THE NEWS. And I am telling you that the news is stupid. It's stupid because it is Cable news and cable news depends on viewers and ratings and most importantly money. Money is the number one reason that cable news is stupid. Cable news has to raise money and to do that they have to select stories that the viewers want to see, this changes things. it twists them and it makes them more perverse. The big three in cable news: CNN. FOX, and MSNBC, are all here to cover the news right? WRONG they are here to make money and what is the best way to do that? They tell stories that their viewers will keep on watching. For example, ever notice how much attention the media is giving George Zimmerman. I mean it's too much! Why does anyone care about what happened to Travone Martin! I mean I am not trying to be insulting here, but there are more pressing matters to cover than a case that will go on no matter how long CNN covers it.

back to cable news, here are the problems with, none of them present only the facts, and give the viewer the option to make their own opinion about that fact. All of the cable news networks are either strong liberal or they are strong conservatives. For example, MSNBC is a strong liberal and FOX is a strong conservative. Therefore they report news stories like they are opinions. The NEWS IS NO ONE'S OPINION, its fact. So how do we keep the news from covering BS, and things that aren't important? I guess there is only one answer to that question: We don't. As long as the news needs money they will only cover stories that they feel the viewers will like. Also where does someone go if they want a moderate reporting the news, not some partisan fool whose only goal is to make his opposition look like a stupid donkey that only knows how to lie? The answer to that question is also simple-- turn off your T.V because what your watching is probably just what the news anchor is describing of his opponent- A lying donkey. As always always remember to Rip the Tape.

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