Monday, July 1, 2013

Gay Rights?

Wow guys its been a long time and many scandals have passed and many great things have happened in the last three months. Lets see here, there was the NSA, the AP scandal and also Benghazi ( no that was just those crazy conservatives, that we call Congress). However through all of this immense legislation has been struck down. DOMA and Proposition 8 have been struck down by the Supreme Court. DOMA or the Defense of Marriage Act, was created so that the federal government would never recognize same sex marriages, well I can tell you this confidently, this absurd law has been struck down! Thank God, right ...well not really. DOMA was struck down but this does not create a blanket ruling, meaning the  Supreme Court did not make gay marriage legal is all the states, it just made the federal government recognize same sex marriages. Therefore the result is that only the states that allow same sex marriages, which is about like thirteen, only those states can gays get married, but those marriages will be recognized as legal and they will get their legal benefits. Prop 8, however will only apply to California. In California there was a proposition that said that gay marriage should be illegal, but this was after California legalized it. So two couples sued and the case wen t all the way to the Supreme Court. They decided that Proposition 8 was illegal and therefore gays can get married in California again. So where does this leave the country, well Gay marriage is legal in about 13 states and counting and it is illegal in all the others. However there are many unanswered questions left, for example what happens when a legally gay couple moves to another state and their marriage is no longer recognized and they don't receive their benefits? The path is still not clear but equality is coming, we can be sure of that. As always, Remember to Rip the Tape.

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